In the one true eternal God; God the Father, Jesus Christ, His only Begotten Son, and the Holy Spirit
In Jesus Christ, through whom and in whom all things are created and hold together. Being Eternal God, He emptied Himself to come in the flesh, was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, lived a sinless life, died on the cross for the redemption of mankind, resurrected on the third day and is today seated at the right hand of God the Father, far above all power, dominion and authority in heaven and on earth.
That Satan and the fallen angels are in enmity with God.
That all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, and as a result, have been separated from God.
In Christ’s atoning sacrifice, that by the shedding of His blood, through His death on the cross alone, is salvation for mankind. That forgiveness of sins is through faith in Jesus Christ and that one receives His saving grace by receiving and declaring the resurrected Jesus as Lord and Saviour.
In the Holy Spirit who being in very person God, proceeded from the Father to dwell, fill and commune with every believer.
That the baptism of the Holy Spirit with the fruit and the gifts of the Holy Spirit accompanying, is for every believer, enabling each one to live in the fullness of life and to be His witness to all mankind.
The Bible, consisting of its 66 books, as God’s divinely inspired and only authoritative and complete word to man, upon which we put our faith and base our practice.
In the loving God’s purpose of creating man in His image and in His likeness to be His children and to reign with Him eternally.
In each individual’s responsibility to relate to, fellowship with, love, obey and be committed, to God, by which one can live a wholesome and abundant life and minister to one’s fellow beings and unto God.
That the baptism in water is for everyone who has received the gift of Jesus Christ, to symbolize the death and burial of the old nature and the resurrection unto the newness of life.
The Church to be a living body, the Body of Christ, a habitation of God through the Spirit, of which Christ is the Head.
That every believer is an integral part of the Body of Christ and is endowed with spiritual gifts for the fulfilment of the Great Commission.
In the partaking of the Lord’s Table to be the privilege of the Body of Christ, which is to be done in remembrance of Christ Jesus and the covenant ratified through Him. That the bread and the wine symbolise the broken body and shed blood of Jesus Christ.
In God’s mandate to all believers to be His ambassadors. He has commissioned every believer to make disciples, to equip the Church for good works, to love and serve men and be a light to the world.
In the Church as a body of people called out by God from their ordinary walks of life, circumstances and intents which is a living, vital, growing, organism; a functional church of breakthrough believers; guided by the Holy Spirit; having people with Apostolic grace leading from the front; being built on the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone; connected together and mutually accountable in covenant relationships; with full expression of the five-fold ministry, and all other Holy Spirit gifts; working towards the closure of the Great Commission; recognising and being conscious of the larger body of Christ; equipping the saints for works of service and to become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ; in order that the body of Christ may be brought to the unity of Spirit and unity of faith.
We believe in the kingdom of God and its expansion and influence on earth and every Christian’s role to establish the kingdom.
In the glorious second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, when He will take His bride, the Church, to reign with Him through all eternity.
In the judgment of all mankind, in the new heaven and new earth for the redeemed in Christ, and in the lake of fire reserved for Satan and his hosts of angels, and all those judged by God to eternal punishment.